Find Out Our Programs
Programs that are organized to equip young job seekers with employability skills for 21st century jobs with proper career guidance.
Check our Services
Services to enhance the employability of the job seekers and to ease the recruitment process of the employers

Recruitment support to employers
Assisting employers in finding suitable candidates for their vacancies

Resource support to external programs
Supporting youth organizations and university clubs with skills development, and capacity building
Find Out More About Us
Office of Professional Development, a department of Bangladesh Youth Leadership Center, aims to offer intensive career development training and placement services to the youth of Bangladesh.

OPD at a glance
Since 2016, OPD has been connecting the youth to employment opportunities and providing career guidance to have a
significant impact on their future prospects and community development. OPD enables youth across the country alleviate
their standards of living and contribute to the livelihoods of their communities through income generating activities.
OPD aims to connect more than 25,000 youth to income-generating activities and equip them with employability skills relevant
for 21st-century jobs through mentoring and career guidance by 2027

Youth received employability skills training

Youth completed online courses

Youth placed in meaningful jobs

BDT average salary for full-time employed youth
BDT average salary for part-time employed youth

BDT average salary for internship employed youth

Placement success through Career Expo

Career success from career mentoring

Placement success through sharing resumes
Frequently Asked Questions
Why should we go for OPD? Why not other platforms?
Over the years, the Office of Professional Development has provided job opportunities to more than 7000 youth in Bangladesh. In order to maintain a standard, the organization facilitates skills development training beforehand for participants of various courses of BYLC. These program graduates are offered as suitable candidates for vacancies of partnered organizations of OPD. In short, OPD is the platform which is a completed package for anyone looking for a job opportunity.
I haven’t done any courses for BYLC. Can I get any assistance in job placement from OPD?
If you want to get affiliated with OPD, you have to complete at least one course from BYLC. These courses can be virtual or physical depending on your preference.
Which sectors OPD gives recruitment support to?
This support of OPD encircles around corporate sectors and non private sectors. However, the government sector is not included in OPD’s recruitment service.
What is the grooming process OPD provides for candidates?
A candidate can get guidelines for structuring his/her career through “career mentoring”, can evaluate his/her resume through “resume vetting” according to job requirements and finally can prepare him/herself for interviews through OPD’s mock interview sessions.
How can I set a meeting with the OPD? Whom should I reach out to?
Contact details for any query about OPD, its services and placement support are available on the website. Kindly go through this website for required information.
Does OPD provide any discount to participants who are not able to pay the full amount of a program? What is the process?
This decision is taken by the Skills Development and Training team. OPD works
Can OPD assist in post-placement support? For instance, any workplace issues after a placement through OPD?
The Office of Professional Development does not interfere in workplace issues of other organizations; even if that is a partnered organization. Hope that answers your concern.
Contact Us
Our Address
একাদশ ও দ্বাদশ তলা, মেডোনা টাওয়ার, ২৮,
Bir Uttam AK Khandakar Rd, Dhaka 1212
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